The question might seem to be directed at Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland...but, what about the English....are they ready? I personally have nothing against Morris Dancing ...nothing could be more fun than being hit over the head by a pig's bladder on a stick but....the question is..’Are the English yet ready to govern themselves?’...Can they cope on their own?
Okay, whilst the Celtic world has provided leaders like Lloyd George and George Brown it has also provided others such as Nye Bevan and Keir Hardie. More importantly the weight of the Celtic vote has spared the English from the worst excesses of their leadership. Do we desert them now? Should we Celtic nations set up on our own, or, is that being too selfish?
Is it right to abandon the many good, honest hardworking English people to a lifetime of rule by people who don’t represent their interests? For me the time has now come for us to go our own way.
Nationalism in its narrow sense would seem for many socialists as being nothing more than a form of parochialism and self-aggrandizement, but, in the broader sense of self-governing units in a wider European context, smaller socialist inclined states could provide somewhere where good things happen. Maybe prescription charges and student fees are small beer.... but it’s a start.... and, notwithstanding economic restraints, other good examples may follow.
Maybe that would leave the English political landscape pretty bleak for anyone having socialist inclinations...... or maybe not. The practices of close neighbours could stimulate a rethink. English devolution may not seem such an anathema as it was last time round. What about the poor souls marooned in the Tory heartland...well there’s always Morris Dancing....
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